Does Air France give refunds?
If you have successfully canceled your air France flights and now looking for a refund, then you have come to the exact right place. This article will clear all your doubts regarding Does Air France give refunds to all canceled flights. There are two ways in which one can get the refund, one is to do it manually via the official website, and the other is to contact the airline’s customer service team. Passengers can refer to the refund policy of air France which is mentioned below, for reference.
Air France refund policy
- Passengers need to entirely cancel their flight reservation with air France to get started with the refund process.
- As per the 24-hour risk-free refund policy of air France, passengers are eligible to get the complete refund amount if they cancel their tickets within 24 hours of booking.
- Non-refundable ticket holders can get the travel credits which are redeemable on the next booking with air France airlines.
- Passengers need to fill the refund form in order to get the refund back in their original payment mode. The refund form is available on the official website of Air France.
- The refund amount of your canceled reservation depends on various factors like ticket type, time left for the departure of the flight, route, destination, etc.
- A cancellation fee is applied to the tickets that are being canceled after 24 hours of booking.
- The refund is initiated within 7 to 10 days once Air France has issued it.
- Passengers can reach out to the air France customer service team through a phone call, live chat, email, or social media and request them to get a refund for a canceled flight.
- Passengers who could not board the flight due to emergency reasons like an immediate person's death can claim the full refund by showing relevant documents. An immediate person could be your family member, spouse, child, etc.
- Passengers are entitled to get a full refund by air France if the flight got canceled by the airline's side.
- Passengers could claim a full refund if their flight got canceled due to any natural occurrence like an earthquake, flood, bad weather conditions, etc.
How To Get a Refund from Air France?
In light of the information that is mentioned in above points will clearly clear all the doubts regarding air France refund policy. However, in these present situations, passengers can claim an Air France flight refund covid a canceled reservation due to health issues by showing necessary documents. You can contact the airlines' customer support team as well to get further details on the refund policy of airlines.